Mind Mood Pain treats men and women with the most up to date and innovative care in Interventional Pain Management. We accomplish this through complete medical based methods working to improve your quality of life and mental health. You’ve struggled long enough. Request an appointment to get a custom treatment plan started.
Dr. Miller
Board-certified anesthesiologist and ACGME fellowship-trained interventional pain physician
We are patient centered providers who care, listen, and understand. We gather with our patients, establish healthy plans, and work closely as a team to alleviate pain.
Who We Treat
Our patients suffer from a variety of physical and psychiatric conditions, including, chronic, pain, neck pain, back pain, headaches, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, postpartum mood disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Our Approach
Nervous system dysfunction causes chronic pain and mood disorders. We use established therapies as well as breakthrough treatments that target pain signals and dysfunction of neurotransmitters to bring relief to our patients.